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Sheet Music and Recordings

You can purchase sheet music, bulletin inserts, and audio recording downloads here (below).  Christopher’s sheet music is now licensed for reproduction and streaming through One License.  For reporting, you should be able to find song ID numbers on the printed sheet music. 

Need videos, licensing, and more? The Convergence Music Project is gradually adding more and more of Christopher’s songs.  This site will also have bundles, where you can get videos, audio recordings, sheet music, Power Point files, guitar charts, and more.

The following songs are owned by the United Church of Christ.  Sheet music for these songs is sold at (Search for “grundy” and look in the sub-menus of each of the four pages corresponding to the sections of the “Sing! Prayer and Praise” songbook.) Every Step of the WayThis Is My ChildPour Out Your Spirit NowWaiting for YouHoly, Holy, Holy.

Don’t see sheet music for something you want to play?  Please contact us.

Showing 1–60 of 89 results

Christopher Grundy
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