Recovering Communion in a Violent World: Resistance, Resilience, and Risk
A groundbreaking analysis of Holy Communion and how it
forms us in relation to violence. Offers fresh and compelling new ways of engaging in the Christian meal.
A website of liturgical materials written to accompany the book Recovering Communion in a Violent World.
The Work of the People: What We Do in Worship and Why
This book is intended to help church members deepen their experience of weekly worship by understanding the purpose and theology of the various elements of worship. Good for book study groups.
A River Flows out of Eden
Another blog, sharing some of the liturgical materials that Christopher writes for worship in chapel at Eden Theological Seminary.
A More Peaceful Table
Christopher’s Occasional Blog on Holy Communion, violence, food justice, and more.
Here you can find several scholarly articles by Dr. Grundy written for various journals.
Evelyn Sweetser
June 24, 2018 @ 2:26 am
Tommy Takami was a guest speaker at a high school church camp held at Doane College in Nebr. in the late 1950’s. That led to my life-long interest in his work at ARI, thru reading the newsletters & making small donations to the work. I’ve been sorting thru boxes lately & came across one from 1989 with a list of people & what they were doing. I glanced thru it to see if I recognized any names. I was not familiar with yours but the brief paragraph about you & Shinn made me wonder what you had done with your life after your return to the USA to attend a theological seminary. So I just now Googled your name & I praise the LORD for how He has been working thru you all these years. May you continue to grow in wisdom & understanding as you study His word.